Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our 12th Anniversary!!!

We'll this Anniversary is very significant for Art and I... Art was married for 12 years to his previous wife, so this is a milestone for us and I'll be VERY happy when we reach 13. Although I know it is regarded as a unlucky number, I think we can change that by making it to 13 years of marriage and beating my hubbies old record!! I am going to make year 13 the most rememorable, productive and best year ever in our marriage!!!

Ok, on to the fun stuff... Art's son Wes is going to watch the kids so we can go out and celebrate our Anniversary. We are going to start by going downtown to the Greektown Casino, he's coming over at 2:30pm, so we'll end with dinner at Mortons at 7:30pm. I can't wait to try this restaurant. We are doing their Summer Celebration dinner for $99, which is fantastic since this restaraunt is SO EXPENSIVE!! It gives us a chance to try it without ending up in the poor house, lol. I'll have to post later how it ended up being, hopefully good and not over-rated like alot of other pricey restaurants.

Ok, we'll I have a few hours before I have to get in the shower, so I may as well get some stuff done!

Until later...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Long Long Weekend....

Well Art's coming home today, yea!! He hasn't called yet to tell me he is on his way, hold on... Ha! He's on the phone now!!! :) We'll he isn't on his way yet, they have to go in and divy up the winnings, but he'll call back when he's on his way :)

BIG NEWS!!!! Samantha went potty on the potty chair today, WOO HOO!!! We are on our way to NO DIAPERS, which means we are on our way to planning our family vacation to HAWAII!!! So needless to say I am pretty happy today. So is Art since I just told him. He's funny, I tell him to make sure he's sitting down and it's about diapers and he's like, are you pg??? I'm like NO WAY!! We are on our way to NO DIAPERS!!! I know there is a long way to go, getting through the night, yada yada yada, but it's the first step, so BRAVO SAM :)!!!

We'll have to get some things done around here before the hubby gets home! What a great weekend!