Friday, July 11, 2008

Just another day...

My mom is back in the hospital, nothing major thank goodness, but actually it seems like my Dad is enjoying being there. I think it's just the interacation with the staff and being out of the house. They did find a brain injury retreat north of Port Huron that they went to last year and they are going again this year, which makes me very happy! Now if I could just arrange a vacation for them and get them to go. I think if they go one time then they'll go again or at least once a year like they use to before my mom got sick. Here's to hoping and praying....

Ran errands today and have Scrapbook Club tonight. Nothing planned tomorrow other than going to Randazzo's. And then Sunday we all have to be at Linda's (Stone) so Art and her husband Rich are going golfing and Linda and our kids and I are all going to hang out. Then we'll have dinner at her house. When she came over my house a few weeks ago it was nice but to be honest strained. So I am hoping that each time we get together the strain will be less and less.

Also, I created a Facebook page and Kim Bloink (Hoffman) from HS contacted me on my page. I really thought when we ran into her at Birch Run we were just being cordial and nice and that would be it, so needless to say I was surprised to hear from her, but honestly happy to hear from her.

I am realizing as I get older, my past friends with whom I haven't spoken to in a very long time, all have moved on and matured and are as ready as I am to leave everything in the past and to reconnect. This is a good time in my life!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Well today started out pretty good and then it all went down hill... Today was my first experiance with kids not being nice to my 5 year old. How do you handle it. I may not have handled it the best way, but it's my baby and I'm not going to let my son be around kids that are intentionally being mean. I may lose the friendship of a neighbor and I may not. But if it's for my son, so be it. I know my son needs to stand up for himself a bit more, but he is only 5 for goodness sake. I guess I'd rather have a passive child then a bully. But one thing I do know, today affected me more than it did my 5 year old, that's for sure. I know I just need to let it go and a few of my friends who've I spoken with about today's events said I need to pick and choose my battles, because this won't be the last time :( So how much jail time would I get for beating up a kids mother, lol, just kidding of course.

Let's just hope tomorrow is a better day.

I did start organizing my scrapbook room! Woo Hoo! Boy do I have more stuff than I thought, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But at least now I'll be forced to go through it all so I'll know what I have.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Becoming a Morning Person....

It's been driving me crazy ALL morning. How do I become a morning person? It is 1pm and I am just starting to get my energy rush, and this is just not good! I have missed the most productive hours of the day by doing nothing. So much could have been done, we could have gone to so many different places and all we did was stick in the house. In the coming months I am going to try and change this for good. How I have not a club, but honestly, I'm just going to start by putting one foot in front of the other and hope and pray I can do it!!

Those friends of mine who are morning people naturally drive me nuts (sorry). People say you become a morning person when you have kids, well I don't think so, my kids let me sleep in and don't mind staying in the house. I don't feel I'm being a good mom, so this is something that is important for me to change.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Golf Widow this Morning :)

We'll the hubby is golfing, go figure... The kids and I are left on our own on such a nice day. Sam seems a bit warm though, so I don't know if we are going to go on that picnic later today like we have planned. We'll just have to wait and see.

We finished the kids bathroom last night. OMG was it DIRTY! Not from my kids but from my step-son, YUCK!! I don't know how he could shower and get ready in that bathroom and feel clean. Can I just say YUCK again!!! Now it is clean and it look so cute with all of the beach stuff up on the walls and the mirror. We have more to put up today, but I also have to work on my scrapbook room.

And tomorrow the extended family is coming over for my mom's birthday. So that should be nice. I have to remember to get flowers today for her porch, as this is what she wants and it gets harder and harder every year to figure out what to buy her. Have to find my recipe for Pork Chops and scalloped potatoes also. At least I have today to relax before having to do all of this tomorrow! Then Monday work for Dad in the PM and then I have my whole week ahead of me :)

Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4th

Well it's July 4th and we have no plans. Can you say RELAXING!!! We just may go to Mt. Clemens and see the fireworks tonight, but it all depends on Sam and if she can handle the noise and the late hour...

Went out last night with my step-daughter and her boyfriend that were in from Florida and had a nice dinner at Brio. Then went and sat at the bar at Bar Loui. I like the inside of the bar, but honestly the drinks are just so so. All their liquor is regulated so my Long Beach Ice Tea has more cranberry than anything else in it. It would be cheaper and better if I just made it at home myself!! Other than that, it was a great evening.

This morning Art went and got Sam up and she came down and climbed into bed with us. These are the best times!! A bit later Bradley came down and climbed into bed with us also, it was great. I live for these mornings. Nothing make me happier than all of us together.

Well time to go do my hair so we can do some errands and get my bathroom cleaned upstairs and my new Upper Case Living stuff on the wall, woo hoo!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Well here I am and it's golf season (again). And with all the rain you would think that at least one of DH's games would have been rained out, not. At least tomorrow is the 4th of July and for some reason DH's golf league is cancelled, woo hoo, can I say small miracle :) Seriously I have a plaque on the way down to my DH's man cave in our basement that says "Marriage on Hold, Golf Season" and that is not a joke!!
We have been married for 12 years this August and even with golf season it's been a great ride thus far :) We have two great kids and I have two great step-kids (adults). But to be honest I am looking forward to winter, lol.