Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Well today started out pretty good and then it all went down hill... Today was my first experiance with kids not being nice to my 5 year old. How do you handle it. I may not have handled it the best way, but it's my baby and I'm not going to let my son be around kids that are intentionally being mean. I may lose the friendship of a neighbor and I may not. But if it's for my son, so be it. I know my son needs to stand up for himself a bit more, but he is only 5 for goodness sake. I guess I'd rather have a passive child then a bully. But one thing I do know, today affected me more than it did my 5 year old, that's for sure. I know I just need to let it go and a few of my friends who've I spoken with about today's events said I need to pick and choose my battles, because this won't be the last time :( So how much jail time would I get for beating up a kids mother, lol, just kidding of course.

Let's just hope tomorrow is a better day.

I did start organizing my scrapbook room! Woo Hoo! Boy do I have more stuff than I thought, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But at least now I'll be forced to go through it all so I'll know what I have.

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