Saturday, July 5, 2008

Golf Widow this Morning :)

We'll the hubby is golfing, go figure... The kids and I are left on our own on such a nice day. Sam seems a bit warm though, so I don't know if we are going to go on that picnic later today like we have planned. We'll just have to wait and see.

We finished the kids bathroom last night. OMG was it DIRTY! Not from my kids but from my step-son, YUCK!! I don't know how he could shower and get ready in that bathroom and feel clean. Can I just say YUCK again!!! Now it is clean and it look so cute with all of the beach stuff up on the walls and the mirror. We have more to put up today, but I also have to work on my scrapbook room.

And tomorrow the extended family is coming over for my mom's birthday. So that should be nice. I have to remember to get flowers today for her porch, as this is what she wants and it gets harder and harder every year to figure out what to buy her. Have to find my recipe for Pork Chops and scalloped potatoes also. At least I have today to relax before having to do all of this tomorrow! Then Monday work for Dad in the PM and then I have my whole week ahead of me :)

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